Beauty ... a word rarely used , now more than ever... or at least I guess so ! and like so many things in life, no matter how frequent or infrequent we use it, we - or at least most of us- take it for granted. very few people have thought about its meaning or the fact that it's one of those words that have such a magical effect.
So.. what does " Beauty" really mean ?
a question that needs books & books to try to answer it & yet, I have a feeling that won't be enough!
Beauty, something we've all heard about, some of us know someone who knows it, a few of us claim to have seen it once before, & yet, only a selected number of people are those who really KNOW it. coz u know, it takes a "beautiful" HEART to feel it, & a "beautiful" MIND to perceive it .. & I guess we'd agree that a very few people have them both.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"... a saying by 'The Duchess' Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, In Molly Bawn, 1878 & it's become so popular eversince.... a saying that, I think, needs to be questioned ! what is "Beauty" ? & is it really "in the eye" of the beholder ??(however superficial the question may seem !)
Personally, if I'm asked to make a brief introduction to the meaning of"Beauty", I'd say "Beauty" is a feeling that we reflect on things around us, living or non-living (according to definitions of biology), but for sure they have Life in them, which makes us perceive (see, hear , smell, taste, ... wtever) them in a different way.. that makes us feel even better...up to being "Happy" :)
for example, I've seen photos of people in natural places, & when I saw them I thought that Nature in the photo makes them look "Nice", but in other instances I've seen photos where certain people make Nature look really "Beautiful" !! I guess that's it! it's what we feel , reflected on our senses, giving them different meanings.
wtever!, that's just wt i think, the best is yet to come; here are the definitions some of my friends shared with me on FB ... & I DO think they are all right.... the ones you feel fast are certainely the most heartfelt when written (as for me , they all are :) ... check it out & share ur opinion with us, may be it's time to make our own "Definitions" !!
Riham Naguib said:
"beauty is when u see sthg that impress u soo deeply that u can feel iots effect for so long after..
beauty is when u look at sthg with ur eyes but u see it with ur heart..
beuty is what ur insight shows u when ur happy..
beauty is when u find life in a whole dead place..
beauty is when ur in ur darkest moemnt and u see the sun shining..
lazem quote:beauty is in the hEART of teh beholder..;)))"
Ahmed Fares said:
"beauty = harmony
i said that anything beautiful when it attracts my eye frim 1st sight ...
for example ...
ممكن شجرة تكون في بستان جميلة جدا عشان الشجرة بينها وبين البستان تناغم
نفس الشجرة في بستان تاني ممكن ولا تاخد بالك منها عشان هي مش متناغمه مع المحيط
وقس على ذلك"
Mai Maig said:
"People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves."
Mai Kassem said:
"الجمال ... كلمة تحمل الكثييير من المعاني , والجمال بانسبة لي هو شعور داخلي أكثر من كونه شئ مرئي...
*عندما تتأمل خلق الله ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما تشعر برضا الله عنك و رضاك عن نفسك .... ستشعر بالجمال
*عندما تقبل أيدي والديك ..... ستشعر بالجمال
*عندما ترى من تحب ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما ترى الفرحة في عيون من تحب ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما ترى ابتسامة طفل ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما تجني ثمار ما زرعت ..... ستشعر بالجمال"
Heba Sa3id said:
"beauty is everything that shine happiness and comfort in ur heart.. beauty doesn't hav to be perfection.. beauty is the simplest scene that cheers u up, draws a smile on ur face, makes u say that life still has something to give ..
finally.. beauty is seen by only those who want to see it.."
Iman Aref said:
"الجمال هو إحساس ترتاح إليه العين و يفرح به القلب ... إحساس منعرفش إيه سببه .. لكننا بنبقى فرحانين لما نحس بيه
بنلاقي نفسنا بنقول " سبحان الله " ... و نحس أننا مش واقفين على الأرض و طايرين فوق السحاب ...
و الجمال دايما نسبي و يختلف من شخص للتاني .. يعني كل واحد بيشوفه و يحس بيه من وجهة نظره ... و إللي ممكن أشوفه جميل غيري ممكن ميشوفهوش كدة ..
بس كلنا منختلفش عن أن الجمال ده إحساس رااائع موجود حوالينا في كل حاجة .. مش بس في الأشياء المرئية .. ده كمان في طباع الناس و تصرفاتهم .. فالشخص الجميل بيكون من جواه جميل الطباع و ده يخلينا نشوفه أجمل حتى لو مكنش بنفس قدر الجمال شكلا
Beauty is what we feel , not what we see"
Porto said:
"في رأيي الشخصي جدا أن الجمال ببساطه هو : كل مؤثر,, تراه العين,, أو تسمعه الأذن,, أو تستشعره الأنف,, فيتحرك له القلب,, ثم يثار له العقل,, لينطلق أخيرا اللسان قائلا سبحان الله.. و تتمني عندها النفس لو يدوم هذا للأبد
الجمال هو كل ما يثير الحواس,, لتجبر اللسان علي أن يقول ,,سبحان الله"
& "ostazy" Ahmad Eddeeb said:
So.. what does " Beauty" really mean ?
a question that needs books & books to try to answer it & yet, I have a feeling that won't be enough!
Beauty, something we've all heard about, some of us know someone who knows it, a few of us claim to have seen it once before, & yet, only a selected number of people are those who really KNOW it. coz u know, it takes a "beautiful" HEART to feel it, & a "beautiful" MIND to perceive it .. & I guess we'd agree that a very few people have them both.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"... a saying by 'The Duchess' Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, In Molly Bawn, 1878 & it's become so popular eversince.... a saying that, I think, needs to be questioned ! what is "Beauty" ? & is it really "in the eye" of the beholder ??(however superficial the question may seem !)
Personally, if I'm asked to make a brief introduction to the meaning of"Beauty", I'd say "Beauty" is a feeling that we reflect on things around us, living or non-living (according to definitions of biology), but for sure they have Life in them, which makes us perceive (see, hear , smell, taste, ... wtever) them in a different way.. that makes us feel even better...up to being "Happy" :)
for example, I've seen photos of people in natural places, & when I saw them I thought that Nature in the photo makes them look "Nice", but in other instances I've seen photos where certain people make Nature look really "Beautiful" !! I guess that's it! it's what we feel , reflected on our senses, giving them different meanings.
wtever!, that's just wt i think, the best is yet to come; here are the definitions some of my friends shared with me on FB ... & I DO think they are all right.... the ones you feel fast are certainely the most heartfelt when written (as for me , they all are :) ... check it out & share ur opinion with us, may be it's time to make our own "Definitions" !!
Riham Naguib said:
"beauty is when u see sthg that impress u soo deeply that u can feel iots effect for so long after..
beauty is when u look at sthg with ur eyes but u see it with ur heart..
beuty is what ur insight shows u when ur happy..
beauty is when u find life in a whole dead place..
beauty is when ur in ur darkest moemnt and u see the sun shining..
lazem quote:beauty is in the hEART of teh beholder..;)))"
Ahmed Fares said:
"beauty = harmony
i said that anything beautiful when it attracts my eye frim 1st sight ...
for example ...
ممكن شجرة تكون في بستان جميلة جدا عشان الشجرة بينها وبين البستان تناغم
نفس الشجرة في بستان تاني ممكن ولا تاخد بالك منها عشان هي مش متناغمه مع المحيط
وقس على ذلك"
Mai Maig said:
"People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves."
Mai Kassem said:
"الجمال ... كلمة تحمل الكثييير من المعاني , والجمال بانسبة لي هو شعور داخلي أكثر من كونه شئ مرئي...
*عندما تتأمل خلق الله ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما تشعر برضا الله عنك و رضاك عن نفسك .... ستشعر بالجمال
*عندما تقبل أيدي والديك ..... ستشعر بالجمال
*عندما ترى من تحب ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما ترى الفرحة في عيون من تحب ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما ترى ابتسامة طفل ..... ستشعر بالجمال
* عندما تجني ثمار ما زرعت ..... ستشعر بالجمال"
Heba Sa3id said:
"beauty is everything that shine happiness and comfort in ur heart.. beauty doesn't hav to be perfection.. beauty is the simplest scene that cheers u up, draws a smile on ur face, makes u say that life still has something to give ..
finally.. beauty is seen by only those who want to see it.."
Iman Aref said:
"الجمال هو إحساس ترتاح إليه العين و يفرح به القلب ... إحساس منعرفش إيه سببه .. لكننا بنبقى فرحانين لما نحس بيه
بنلاقي نفسنا بنقول " سبحان الله " ... و نحس أننا مش واقفين على الأرض و طايرين فوق السحاب ...
و الجمال دايما نسبي و يختلف من شخص للتاني .. يعني كل واحد بيشوفه و يحس بيه من وجهة نظره ... و إللي ممكن أشوفه جميل غيري ممكن ميشوفهوش كدة ..
بس كلنا منختلفش عن أن الجمال ده إحساس رااائع موجود حوالينا في كل حاجة .. مش بس في الأشياء المرئية .. ده كمان في طباع الناس و تصرفاتهم .. فالشخص الجميل بيكون من جواه جميل الطباع و ده يخلينا نشوفه أجمل حتى لو مكنش بنفس قدر الجمال شكلا
Beauty is what we feel , not what we see"
Porto said:
"في رأيي الشخصي جدا أن الجمال ببساطه هو : كل مؤثر,, تراه العين,, أو تسمعه الأذن,, أو تستشعره الأنف,, فيتحرك له القلب,, ثم يثار له العقل,, لينطلق أخيرا اللسان قائلا سبحان الله.. و تتمني عندها النفس لو يدوم هذا للأبد
الجمال هو كل ما يثير الحواس,, لتجبر اللسان علي أن يقول ,,سبحان الله"
& "ostazy" Ahmad Eddeeb said:
الجمال هو كل شيء لم يفسده العبث، ويراه قلب لم يفسده الهوى"
و لكن شاعر الجامعة ...ايمن جليل ... اختلف معه فقال:
"واضح من الردود أعلاه أن الجمال شيءٌ ما يتعلق بالسماء في الأعلى، ويراود النفس ان تختلس نشقة من مكونات الغلاف الجوي في الأدنى،
الديب قال: الجمال هو كل شيء لم يفسده العبث، ويراه قلب لم يفسده الهوى
وأقول: الجمال هو كل شيء لم يفسده العبث، ويراه القلب حتى لو أفسده الهوى."
Ahmed Zakaria said:
"as a general term its seeing the good of bad and that there is nothing for no reason........but as considering it as a term used in judging people: its how others see the real of there inside and find the good use of there internal spirit....overriding their bad manners .....thats what i think at least"
Dr Mai Heikal(the maestro :) said :
"beauty is the thing u feel or the reaction u experience when any thing around u fills up all ur senses and this has symptoms in the form of:
a deep breath
wide pupils
spirit lift
and maybe over reaction...."
Sara Atwa said:
"methaya2le el gamal da msh concept fe 7ad zato, da more like beya3tamed 3al wa7ed 3ayez yshoof el 7aga gameela walla la2, y3ne law masalan fee warda fe noss el sa7ara fe wa7ed hay2ool sob7an allah eh el warda de el gamal momken yetla3 fe ay 7etta, 3aks wa7ed tane msh hayshoof 3'eer 7a2e2et en el sa7ara 7etta fadya w 7arr,
nd law shaf el 7aga gameela eventually well lead to a state of bein "happy & content", it's that tickle we feel in the heart when we see somethin that's when we feel beauty, nd yeah i'd like to quote "the beauty in the heart of the beholder" :)"
Shahy pharma said:
"الجمال(بالنسبالى)هو كل ما يملك روح البساطة فتصل الى القلب قبل مرورها على العقل لمعرفة اذا كانت جميلة ام لا
وبالنسبة لنظرية (لكل فعل رد فعل مساوى له فى المقدار ومضاد له فى الاتجاه) متهيألى انه ينطبق على الجمال كمان فلازم الانسان يشعر بداخله بانه جميل(بس مش غرور) فالشعور ده حينعكس بخارجه فيجد كل شىء جميل"
& in very few, yet true words,my buddy Mohamed Helmy said:
و لكن شاعر الجامعة ...ايمن جليل ... اختلف معه فقال:
"واضح من الردود أعلاه أن الجمال شيءٌ ما يتعلق بالسماء في الأعلى، ويراود النفس ان تختلس نشقة من مكونات الغلاف الجوي في الأدنى،
الديب قال: الجمال هو كل شيء لم يفسده العبث، ويراه قلب لم يفسده الهوى
وأقول: الجمال هو كل شيء لم يفسده العبث، ويراه القلب حتى لو أفسده الهوى."
Ahmed Zakaria said:
"as a general term its seeing the good of bad and that there is nothing for no reason........but as considering it as a term used in judging people: its how others see the real of there inside and find the good use of there internal spirit....overriding their bad manners .....thats what i think at least"
Dr Mai Heikal(the maestro :) said :
"beauty is the thing u feel or the reaction u experience when any thing around u fills up all ur senses and this has symptoms in the form of:
a deep breath
wide pupils
spirit lift
and maybe over reaction...."
Sara Atwa said:
"methaya2le el gamal da msh concept fe 7ad zato, da more like beya3tamed 3al wa7ed 3ayez yshoof el 7aga gameela walla la2, y3ne law masalan fee warda fe noss el sa7ara fe wa7ed hay2ool sob7an allah eh el warda de el gamal momken yetla3 fe ay 7etta, 3aks wa7ed tane msh hayshoof 3'eer 7a2e2et en el sa7ara 7etta fadya w 7arr,
nd law shaf el 7aga gameela eventually well lead to a state of bein "happy & content", it's that tickle we feel in the heart when we see somethin that's when we feel beauty, nd yeah i'd like to quote "the beauty in the heart of the beholder" :)"
Shahy pharma said:
"الجمال(بالنسبالى)هو كل ما يملك روح البساطة فتصل الى القلب قبل مرورها على العقل لمعرفة اذا كانت جميلة ام لا
وبالنسبة لنظرية (لكل فعل رد فعل مساوى له فى المقدار ومضاد له فى الاتجاه) متهيألى انه ينطبق على الجمال كمان فلازم الانسان يشعر بداخله بانه جميل(بس مش غرور) فالشعور ده حينعكس بخارجه فيجد كل شىء جميل"
& in very few, yet true words,my buddy Mohamed Helmy said:
beauty is the truth in every thing u do..."
Radwa Yacout said :
"to me beauty has no single definition. It's when u see hear or feel something that makes u happy or peacful. ya3ny el 7aga elly tegberak t2ol 'Allah 3aleha'... I truely believe in the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Heba El-Shiekh b2a told us :
"beayty is sthing u feel by ur soul (if clear enough to touch things)
it isn't seen by ur eyes u just suddinly feel it in ppl , thing , shapes whatever u feel
for me :purity is beauty .............
pure for ppl ...pure for thing ...colours
and in addition for ppl u may add morals and emotions (kindness . caring,........)
but sometimes u don't understand why u feel some ppl r beautiful ..... u don't find sthing special in this person
but may be this explains some
عن أبى هريره قال : قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم : ان الله اذا أحب عبدا دعا جبريل فقال : انى أحب فلانا فأحبه ، قال : فيحبه جبريل ، ثم ينادى فى السماء فيقول : ان الله يحب فلانا فأحبوه ،
فيحبه أهل السماء ، قال : ثم يوضع له القبول فى الارض ، واذا أبغض عبدا دعا جبريل فيقول : انى أبغض فلانا فأبغضه ، قال : فيبغضه جبريل ، ثم ينادى فى أهل السماء ان الله يبغض فلانا فأبغضوه ، قال : فيبغضونه ، ثم توضع له البغضاء فى الارض"
but Ahmed Bakkar thought:
"beauty means the deep internal feeling of rest and peace that only humans can feel when they see hear or even think if something whatever was that thing like if both of us see a paintaing in the street i would say it's marvelous and another one would say it's nasty
so it's internal feeling coming from personal judgment"
& شاعرتنا الرقيقة Nada Ali said:
"ياللي طلبت معنى "الجمال" بحروف لغتنا نوضحه
جبنا الجمل تعمل كلام.. ونضيف له حرف ونطرحه
ده المعنى وحده ماقدر.. مليون لسان يشرحه
يكفي تسيب وسع الطريق.. لقلب طار من مطرحه"
أما Hazem Soliman b2a said:
Radwa Yacout said :
"to me beauty has no single definition. It's when u see hear or feel something that makes u happy or peacful. ya3ny el 7aga elly tegberak t2ol 'Allah 3aleha'... I truely believe in the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Heba El-Shiekh b2a told us :
"beayty is sthing u feel by ur soul (if clear enough to touch things)
it isn't seen by ur eyes u just suddinly feel it in ppl , thing , shapes whatever u feel
for me :purity is beauty .............
pure for ppl ...pure for thing ...colours
and in addition for ppl u may add morals and emotions (kindness . caring,........)
but sometimes u don't understand why u feel some ppl r beautiful ..... u don't find sthing special in this person
but may be this explains some
عن أبى هريره قال : قال رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم : ان الله اذا أحب عبدا دعا جبريل فقال : انى أحب فلانا فأحبه ، قال : فيحبه جبريل ، ثم ينادى فى السماء فيقول : ان الله يحب فلانا فأحبوه ،
فيحبه أهل السماء ، قال : ثم يوضع له القبول فى الارض ، واذا أبغض عبدا دعا جبريل فيقول : انى أبغض فلانا فأبغضه ، قال : فيبغضه جبريل ، ثم ينادى فى أهل السماء ان الله يبغض فلانا فأبغضوه ، قال : فيبغضونه ، ثم توضع له البغضاء فى الارض"
but Ahmed Bakkar thought:
"beauty means the deep internal feeling of rest and peace that only humans can feel when they see hear or even think if something whatever was that thing like if both of us see a paintaing in the street i would say it's marvelous and another one would say it's nasty
so it's internal feeling coming from personal judgment"
& شاعرتنا الرقيقة Nada Ali said:
"ياللي طلبت معنى "الجمال" بحروف لغتنا نوضحه
جبنا الجمل تعمل كلام.. ونضيف له حرف ونطرحه
ده المعنى وحده ماقدر.. مليون لسان يشرحه
يكفي تسيب وسع الطريق.. لقلب طار من مطرحه"
أما Hazem Soliman b2a said:
I think BEAUTY is feeling that can't be expressed and if we are able to express that feeling , it won't be beauty but a similar condition"
& Mai Somaa said:
"الجمال اجمالاً هو كل ما هو سوي حسياً كان أو معنوي
و بالتفصيل:
كل ما يجعلك تسمع سيمفونية عذبة في اذنك
ويجعلك و كأنك تشاهد أروع مشهد رأته عيناك
ويجعل قلبك يرقص طرباً كأنه طائر في الهواء
يجعل تحس و كأن نسمات رقيقة تداعب خدودك
و تستنشق عبق أشذى الورود
و أخيراً يجعل شفتيك تصرخان اعجاباً :الله"
& finally the long waited, yet worth waiting comment was Israa Hossam's , who defined Beauty as:
"I believe Beauty is where the mind finds peace and the heart finds comfort and pleasure...It is felt rather than seen...It is everlasting...It is a gift for those who can sense it and who believe in it..
Beauty is everywhere around us in God's a soft wind breeze,,in the deep blue colour of the sea,,in the shades of the sky at sunset,,in the light of the stars on a dark night,,in a quran verse,,and in the souls of some people.."
didn't I tell U , the best was yet to come ;)
that's wt we think,wt about U ?
share it with us:)
& finally... till we meet again , remember to :
& Mai Somaa said:
"الجمال اجمالاً هو كل ما هو سوي حسياً كان أو معنوي
و بالتفصيل:
كل ما يجعلك تسمع سيمفونية عذبة في اذنك
ويجعلك و كأنك تشاهد أروع مشهد رأته عيناك
ويجعل قلبك يرقص طرباً كأنه طائر في الهواء
يجعل تحس و كأن نسمات رقيقة تداعب خدودك
و تستنشق عبق أشذى الورود
و أخيراً يجعل شفتيك تصرخان اعجاباً :الله"
& finally the long waited, yet worth waiting comment was Israa Hossam's , who defined Beauty as:
"I believe Beauty is where the mind finds peace and the heart finds comfort and pleasure...It is felt rather than seen...It is everlasting...It is a gift for those who can sense it and who believe in it..
Beauty is everywhere around us in God's a soft wind breeze,,in the deep blue colour of the sea,,in the shades of the sky at sunset,,in the light of the stars on a dark night,,in a quran verse,,and in the souls of some people.."
didn't I tell U , the best was yet to come ;)
that's wt we think,wt about U ?
share it with us:)
& finally... till we meet again , remember to :
Keep a smile in your Heart & let it change the world :))
Ayman Waly & friends :)